
Tuesday, January 13, 2015


Possibly my best invention his far.


Olive oil
Chicken breasts
Pizza sauce of choice
Pizza cheese of choice
Pizza toppings of choice

Heat oven to 400

Put the chicken breast into a large heavy plastic bag, and pound out the chicken breasts until they are very thin. These will be your pizza crusts, so make them even and very thin.

Stack them on a plate next to the stove so you can season and cook them without having to drip chicken all over your kitchen.

Put a big heavy skillet on the stove on medium high heat and warm ypur olive oil and melt your butter.

Sprinkle the chicken with salt and place the salted side down. Salt the other side once it's in the pan. Brown the chicken breasts in the pan, on both sides, putting one or two at a time, based on how big your skillet is.

Place the browned and cooked through chicken breasts on a foil lined baking sheet.

Now you have your zero carb and gluten free pizza crusts.

We put on typical red style marinara pizza sauce, shredded mozzarella, and pepperoni.

Oops... I forgot a pre-cooked picture with pepperoni.

They went into the 400 degree oven for 8 minutes. We thin key could have stood a full 10 to really melt the cheese, but we were too excited to try them, so we pulled them out at 8 minutes.

As you can see, I made 6. Conner ate 1, Mr. Saucy and I had 2 each, and he took one for lunch today. The girl had leftover Mac-N-Cheese, and we were all totally ok with that, because it meant more Chickizza for us.

I honestly took one bite and fell in love. I then took a second bite and knew I had to run a taste next door. I put another bite on my fork, put on my shoes, ran out of the house, scared he wee-hawkin out of my neighbors husband who was working on the car in the driveway in the dark, rang the doorbell, shoved the fork into my neighbors mouth, high fives her when I saw her eyes light up, yen turned and ran back hime to finish my supper. 

It's totally going in the regular rotation of The Saucy Dish family dished. Our Friday night pizza movie nights will no longer involve heating a frozen pizza or ordering delivery.

Hello Chickizza. I love you.

Stay Saucy, and Dish.

Monday, January 5, 2015


Mr. Saucy and I have a joint New Years Resolution. 

Along with the ever popular Lose Weight, Eat Healthy, Exercise Daily ... we have ... a secret one.

"Don't Be Gross"

Because ... we're gross. We are. I mean, we're fat and lazy and gross. We don't always do the dishes at night, we let the trash can(s) fill up to a balancing act that would make a physics professor proud, and we step over dust bunnies the size of rhinoceroses. 

I finally got fed up and decided to clean the kitchen. Like really CLEAN the kitchen. And I was so grossed out, I thought I was going to gag.  

We had a bunch of decorative things up on the top of the cabinets that were coated in cooking grease residue that had floated into the air over the past several years and just clung to items in the kitchen that aren't used regularly. 

The layer of yuck on top of the cabinets was just as disgusting. We used a powerful degreaser, a plastic scrubbie, and a mixture of hot water and Palmolive dish soap to scrub then wipe up the yuck.

Once everything was cleaned up, we organized the cabinets to make space for these things to live inside the cabinets and not on top of the cabinets. 

I know that as the full-time at-home parent that I "should" be able to get everything spic and span every single day. I mean, Beverly Cleaver did it in heels, pearls, and with a 24" waist, so why can't I manage in an age of convenience, ease, and technology? I don't know. Ok ... I don't know. 

So ... yesterday while I was writing out this week's meal plan and exercise plan, I added a cleaning schedule too. It includes which night is which kids turn to clean the table, which days I dust, sweep, mop, clean bathrooms, change the sheets, wash the towels, etc.

This may seem second nature to you, but to me, it's just not. I have a super-human ability to overlook clutter and crud. So ... when it gets to the point that I think it's nasty, it's probably closer to toxic for the neat-freaks out there. 

We're not about to be on an episode of Hoarders, not even CLOSE, but it is time to realize that 4 humans, 2 huge dogs, and an indoor/outdoor cat can generate a lot of dirt. And we're gross. Just gross. 

So, let's stop being gross. And here's how I hope I can make this happen during the week so I can relax on the weekends, not feel guilty about relaxing, and not be upset that other's aren't helping.

Here's the cleaning plan for this week...

Monday = Dust everywhere and Vacuum Downstairs
Tuesday = Sweep all hardwood and tile, Mop, Laundry
Wednesday = Vacuum bedrooms and clean the bathrooms
Thursday = Laundry, Sheets, Towels
Friday = Wipe cabinets, sweep, mop

Here's the meal plan for this week...

Monday = Pork Tenderloin and Carrots
Tuesday = Fish and Spinach
Wednesday = Venison Stuffed Peppers
Thursday = Chicken and Broccoli
Friday = Pizza for the kids, Venison steaks and spinach for Mr. Saucy and me.

And, here's my workout plan for this week...

Monday = Walk and Pump
Tuesday = Pump and Treadmill
Wednesday = Walk and Pump
Thursday = Pump and Treadmill
Friday = Pump and Treadmill
Saturday = Walk and Pump
Sunday = Walk

For my work week, I need to get into Wordpress to work on a project for a friend's web page, I need to get more blog posts written for my Dad's blog, I need to tweet more, and blog more for my own blog, and I need to get more active in my BeachBody coaching.

For my peace of mind week, I want to get some sewing done, some pictures taken, some film developed, some prints made, some books read, and some clutter tossed.