
Thursday, June 27, 2013


What's a girl to do? White sugar, sugar in the raw, sugar substitute, zero calorie "all natural", honey, agave, aspartame, saccharin, equal, nutra sweet, sweet-n-low, truvia, stevia, stevia in the raw, pure cane, coconut, high fructose corn syrup, JESUS, make it stop. 

Remember when the major world controversy was simply between which beverage had more "sugar"... Coke or Kool-Aid? Moms across America were turning their noses up at one another for making the wrong choice. Oh, the horror!

So what do I offer my friends and family on the rare occasion when a sweet substance is requested as an additive to a food or beverage? Do I designate an entire closet in my home as a sweetener of choice? Of course I know this is silly and ridiculous, and I'm not doing it, but being a southern woman, we're trained from birth to be fabulous hostesses, serve only the best, and to accommodate EVERYONE, so yeah, there is a teeny part of me saying, "You know you need to have all options available. What if one of your friends is unhappy at one of your parties?"

Do I regulate with an iron fist what my own family consumes? Yes, I do 97.3% of the shopping, and 99.7% of the cooking, but I also want my Honey to enjoy his sweet tea, and I myself love a sweet and creamy mug of coffee (or 5) in the morning. 

Next, how do I "know" which report to believe? One day "all natural" is best, one day the zero calorie substitutes are best, one day "sugar is sugar, your body can't tell the difference", one day "this" plant's derivative is better than yesterday's plant derivative. Understandably this is a nerve racking topic. 

I read, I asked friends and family, and I thought I had it narrowed down. Honey, sugar in the raw, and truvia in the raw. I've tried them all in my coffee (not at once, mind you) and I don't like any of them. The one I've heard good things about, and have not yet tried is coconut crystals. I bet Wegmans has them so I'll have to check them out this weekend. Think my Honey will give me a morning kid-free to wander the isles of Wegmans alone?  Here's hoping!  

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