
Thursday, October 24, 2013

Day 3 of GNC "Detox & Cleanse"

Let me be clear, I am NOT following the suggested daily eating plan in the package. I picked one that would still allow me to eat pretty much normally. Normal for me is meats and veggies. I'm not a bad eater, I'm an A LOT eater. Portion sizes are my issue. Our kids were asking in swimming class what their favorite flavor of ice cream was, and neither of them answered. They actually looked over at me to see if I could help with the answer. Snacks in our house are cheese and fruit. 

The scale this morning showed a re-gain of 1.8 of yesterday's 2.0 loss, but with the amount of peanut butter I ate mid-day, and 3 glasses of wine last night, I'm not surprised. But again...remember...this is why I like weighing daily! I now know EXACTLY what peanut butter and wine do to "my" body. Also, please remember that EVERY "body" is different. Chemistry is different and unique in each creature, and comparing ourselves to one another is about as useful as comparing a swimming pool to a coffee table.

Kid 1 was up before 7:00, so we came down for his breakfast and my coffee. I took my AM packet and picked out the one with the wheat. I've had 1 cup of pumpkin coffee and sugar free pumpkin creamer so far. I'll be getting another as soon as I finish my morning notes here. 

If you're like most people, when you hear of a "cleanse" you think about the poops that will ensue. Here's a brief update. If you don't care to know this much about the process, skip to the next paragraph. Day 1, I felt the need to go, but no cramping, gas pains, or other ill effects. Day 2, each trip to the potty was met with a little poopies, but it wasn't an, "Oh my God! I have to go NOW!" In fact, there hasn't been any of those at all. I'm perfectly capable of going about my daily activities without fear of being out running errands and needing to immediately find a potty. And then, keep in mind, that on days 1 and half of day 2, I was taking the vitamins that contained wheat, so part of the past 2 days potty visits could have been attributed to that.

It's 1:00, and we're home from the gym/swimming. The kids have swim lessons and I wore my suit today and swam laps while they were in class. After making the kids' PB&J's, I made a triple decker roast beef lettuce wrap. Leaf of romaine lettuce, mayo, thin sliced deli roast beef (x3) stacked and rolled up. AWESOME. However, I'm still hungry. Trying to think of what else to eat...

I had more celery and PB. It's my favorite snack. Soft, crunchy, warm, cool, sweet, salty. Lordy it's awesome.

Dinner for me was a left over pork chop from last nights supper, cut up and put on a bed of chopped romaine lettuce with olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt, and pepper. Green tea and seltzer water to drink. I remembered my dinner time vitamins, minus the one with gluten, of course, and then my Honey and I went to bed and watched 2 episodes of Scandal on Netflix. We're about mid-way through season 2 now.

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