
Saturday, November 30, 2013

Take Two (helpings)

We went to my wonderful mother in laws house for Thanksgiving this year, so I didn't get to cook the big feast. So, I decided to do a mini Thanksgiving supper here for the four of us. I'm roasting a chicken rather than a turkey, and I brined her for only a few hours in salt, sugar, pepper, and a bay leaf. She had an olive oil massage, and a nice herb scrub of salt, pepper, and poultry seasoning. She has an onion quartered and bay leaf in her tummy cavity, she's sitting on a roasting grid atop chicken stock and lemon juice.

With her in the oven is a huge tray of dressing. There was so much left over from the real Thanksgiving, that I just broke it all up, added beaten eggs, a lot more stock, and a little more salt and poultry seasoning, and put it back in the casserole dish and I'm baking it again. It was crumbly instead of cakey, and I like the cakey version a little more.

There are a few new potatoes diced up and sitting on the stove waiting for My Honey to come home from work, then I'll boil and mash them. And Boo has requested green beans. We don't like the traditional green bean casserole in our house, so we're just having steamed green beans, which we all like just fine.

And of course, I'll make gravy. DUH! Brown melted butter a little bit, add gluten free flour to make the roux, then add my home made chicken stock until I've got enough gravy. 

Hahaha! I'm so funny! 

There's never enough gravy. I was just seeing if you were paying attention. 

And yes, I consider all of this to be "real food", as I know exactly where everything came from. Made the brad for the stuffing, made my own stock, and cut up whole potatoes. I didn't grow anything being consumed tonight myself, but there is nothing artificial or unpronounceable in anything in our upcoming supper. Now, it's not Paleo, because I'm having potatoes and using rice and corn flour, so don't send hate mail, nasty tweets or ugly facebook comments regarding my use of the term "real food". 

Might be time to open the Cab Franc for My Honey and I to enjoy with supper. WHAT?!?! Oh, HELL NO, she did not just say she was going to drink red wine with poultry, did she?  U-hum ... Uuuu... Yeah, I did. It's good, and I've been telling y'all, eat what you like. It's simple. Enjoy your own taste bugs. Don't let someone else dictate what you eat or drink based on what THEY like, or what some long dead person once said this is "what you do". A perfect example is Moscatto. I don't care for it, myself, but one of my dearest friends LOVES it, so I have it here for her when she visits. It's not about anything other than what you like. She likes it, and I like her to be happy. So I buy Moscatto when she's coming over because I love her. 

I smell the stuffing, which means it's done. Gotta go check on it.

Stay hungry and play with your food. (You might like it.)

Ps, it looks GOOD!

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