
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Thanksgiving Prep: Tuesday Style

It's the Tuesday before Thanksgiving, and I'm bouncing foot to foot excited about the prep, the cooking, the feast, the food, the wine, and the stuffing and gravy. We're headed to my Mother-In-Law's house this year for the family feast, so all I'm making is a gluten free dressing for us G-F'ers, and the cranberry relish from yesterday's post.

Today I'm starting the bread baking for the dressing. I have a GF bread recipe in the bread machine, and later on I'll make the corn bread. I'm starting two days early because it has to sit out to get dry and stale in order to be the best dressing. NOT MOLDY, but stale. There's a HUGE DIFFERENCE. Don't mistake them for the same. Not delicious. I'm also starting early because I've never made GF bread before. If it doesn't turn out "right", I'll need to make another batch. I'm also using my bread machine, and the recipe didn't have directions for using a bread machine, so it's an experiment to the fullest degree right now. Y'all know I can't follow a recipe...

If you're making turkey, you can start your brine now if you'd like. You need to brine for at least 12 hours, but longer is perfectly fine, and will not hurt the outcome. Remember to thoroughly rinse your bird after you remove her from the brine before cooking! I've allowed mine to soak in plain cold tap water for about 15 minutes to ensure all the exterior salt is washed away. You don't want the skin to be too salty. Don't ruin that Turkey Candy!

You should also start your stock today. Mama use to be able to find turkey wings and legs (they sell only breasts, don't they... Well, they have to have a few wings and legs somewhere belonging to those turkey's) to make her stock, but I can't find them. I haven't gone to an official butcher or meat counter, or specialty store, however, so please don't think that my half-assed "search" is anything more than just that...half-assed. Put your turkey or chicken parts into your largest stock pot. Add celery, onions, carrots, bay leaves, rosemary, sage, salt, and pepper.. Cover with water, and simmer all day, then let it cool so you can fish out the meat pieces, the celery, carrots, and onions to include in your stuffing/dressing. Refrigerate the parts you want to add to your stuffing, refrigerate your stock, and throw out the bones and herb stems and bay leaves.

If you're using stock you already have on hand, either homemade or store bought, you'll still want some sautéed onions, carrots, and celery to go in your stuffing/dressing, so start that today. Small dice, sautéed in butter over low heat with sage, rosemary, salt, pepper, and thyme. Let cool, then put into a sealable container in the fridge until it's time to mix the stuffing/dressing. This is the preferred method for those of us who work your standard 40-50 hour work week in an office or other job away from the home and you don't have the ability to spend 3 days in your kitchen prepping for one meal, but still want a dreamy homemade taste. Do little things ahead of time using fresh ingredients, and it will taste like you spent hours upon hours slaving away.

And remember to relax and enjoy your day. Yes, this is ONE dog. 

Stay hungry, and play with your food.

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