
Monday, December 9, 2013

Mommy needs a Time Out

Today was the first day that I've wanted to curl up in a ball, lock myself in a room, and cry because I just could not get through to my kids. They were hell-bent on doing anything and EVERYTHING to break the rules. So... After looking up a ton of articles on parenting, and how to deal with your angel child who has decided to become the devil himself, I realized a few things.

No one really knows what to do. And like everything else, there are a million experts who will all have different ideas. 

So, I regrouped and thought about what we needed here. What are we going to do to combat these 3yo and 5yo devil days? We're going back to basics.

There are only 5 rules.
1) No running in the house.
2) No jumping on the furniture.
3) No hitting.
4) Do what Mommy says the first time.
5) No interrupting.

GG (3) only has to remember and 100% abide by the first 3, as she's 3. Boo (5) has to remember and abide 100% by all 5, as he's 5.

In addition to this, we're stopping the hand spanks. We're stopping the, "I'm going to count to three before I..."  If any of the above 5 rules are broken, they just go straight to time out. No warning, no talking, no debating. Done and doner. If they spend all day in time out, so be it. That's their choice. 

And the cool thing, is that we had a real family talk about all of this tonight. Well, Honey, Boo, and I talked. GG went from lap to lap, flopped of the couch, twirled around, and joined in when prompted.  My Honey and I talked to the kids about their punishments, their behavior, our behavior, and how we're going to deal with misbehaving. And, to be honest, we have to be more consistent with our systems too. They need to learn that these basic rules are a black and white issue. I feel that these are clear, basic, and easily upheld rules and expectations. 

Stay silly and play with your kids.

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