
Saturday, January 25, 2014

Baking and Prep

You read right, my friends. I baked. 

See, we had some bananas that had passed the point of being acceptable to the kids, so I broke out the gluten free flour, and whipped us up a batch of banana muffins. Haven't tried them yet, but they smell dreamy.

I also made a batch of meatballs to freeze. 
1 pound extra lean ground beef
1 pound ground turkey
2 tiny yellow onions (because that's all I had, but one normal sized would be fine) finely diced
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
1T dried Thyme
A lot of Worchestershire Sauce. I didn't measure, sorry. I just splashed in as much as I like, which for us, is a good bit.

Into a big bowl it all went, and I mixed it up, then used my hands to form golf-ball sized balls. Didn't use a scoop, or official measuring tool. (Shocking! I know.)

I put them on a foil lined baking sheet into a 350o oven for 35/40 minutes, or until an instant-read thermometer says 170, since there's turkey in it.

After fully cooling on a paper towel, they went into a gallon ziplock, and into the freezer.

Earlier this week I roasted 3 large spaghetti squash, then let them cool completely. Meaning, I completely forgot about them until this morning. I peeled the skins off, which came RIGHT OFF LIKE A DREAM once they were cooled, and portioned them into quart plastic zipper top baggies and put them in the freezer too.

It's like I'm organized, or something. What's come over me? AND... I keep cleaning the kitchen as I go. 

Oh, sidebar, I've become slightly obsessed with my kitchen as of late. See, I reorganized, thinned out stuff, and gave her a serious scrub-down. Now I kinda have a mini emotional fit when I see she's messy. I go into a whirlwind of a frenzy cleaning, wiping, scrubbing, and storing things in their new homes. And I also *might* get really pissed when someone puts trash on the counter next to the trash can. It's a foot-pedal trash can. Not like you have to put down something in order to open the lid to toss out said trash. 

I also want to redo my color scheme. I want yellow and blue now, and I want white and blue dishes. I want to replace the kitchen table with something smaller, and paint the cabinets some version of off white. And the cabinets and drawers need pulls.

More on these changes as I magically find money and time. But for now, stay hungry, and play with your food.

The (ongoing) Journey to Fabulous Fit Forty

Sunday, January 12, 2014 = My first Cross Fit WOD (workout of the day). It was a running WOD, in which we were to run a 400, then do 50 lunges, then run BACKWARDS a 400, then do 25 cross-over push-ups. And do this routine 4, yes four, times. I think y'all will remember, I'm not a runner. I've tried, oh, how I've TRIED to love running, and I just don't. Now, you've got the understand that the WOD does not include the warm-up. A Cross Fit warmup, is what most advanced gym classes consist of as their work out. Our warmup was to run a 400, then at every 100 point do some strength work. Then, do 50 jumping jacks. THEN we start our WOD. So, needless to say, I walked most of the laps. I shuffled and jogged, trying to look like I wasn't dying in front of the spandexed beauties who were cheerfully singing encouraging words and praise every time they lapped me. This is one of the very best parts of Cross Fit. The encouraging, the closeness, the teamwork, the feeling that you won't fail. 

I was back on Monday for more. Today's warmup was running a 400 (which I got through almost half of, and took a look around for my *goal* points. "I want to be able to run to this street sign, then to these flag, then to this mailbox."), 50 jumping jacks, 10 push-ups, 15 sit-ups (not crunches!), then 20 lunges, then do it all again.  The WOD was a 30-20-10 of thrusters, kettle ball swings, and sit-ups, meaning you do 30 of each, then 20 of each, then 10 of each.

What I've learned so far, is that in CF, you time yourself. I'm still not sure why we're timing. Are we trying to beat our time? Will we do the same workout again? Are we racing each other (they all say it's not a race, but I'm still wondering what the *timing* is for, nonetheless. 

I have also learned, that you do not was to sit on your hiney all day the day after a tough WOD, as this will make your muscles hurt worse. Go for a walk, do your grocery shopping, do some jumping jacks, just do *something* to get the muscles moving and the blood flowing. It honestly makes thing hurt less. Also, soak in a tub with Epsom Salts, then ice anything that specifically hurts. Again, your day-after pain will be significantly reduced. Plus, after a brutal workout, you deserve a hot soak.

I didn't go Tuesday, but I did go Wednesday. I don't have that WOD written down, but I know there was a day that I skipped, then came back the next day, and the AWESOME COOL PART, was that I ran to my second goal point! Blew past my first goal of the street sign, and got to the flags at half way. 

There wasn't a WOD on Thursday, then I was sick on Friday...through the whole week. I missed a week.

Returned on Thursday, 1/23, and did a WOD of a 10 ladder down and a ladder up of sit-ups and burpees. This means we started with 10 of each, then 9, then 8, and so on until you get to 1, then you do 2 of each again, then 3 of each, then 4, and so on until you're back to 10. I was allowed to "scale", which means I was allowed to modify and do a slightly easier version. I was allowed to go by 2's, so I did 10, 8, 6 etc, then by 2's back up to 10.  

Yesterday was Friday, 1/24, and again, I was right back at it. We had a big snow storm while I was sick last week, so both yesterday and today, we didn't warmup with a run because the sidewalks are a sheet of ice. So we did jumping jacks, sit-ups and lunges to warmup. Our WOD was push-presses, weighted back-squats, and weighted sit-ups. And I did the whole damn thing!!! No scaling! I used a 15# par for the press and squats! and a 10# plate for the sit-ups. I'm not breaking any world records for speed... Well, maybe for slowest, but I'm ok with that. I DID IT! And I did it ALL with no scaling.

Today is Saturday, January 25, and there wasn't a scheduled WOD for today, either. There is usually a Sunday WOD, but our fearless leader has kid-things to do for the next several Sunday's, but the rest of us may get together Sunday and do something anyway. We'll see.

I'm still struggling with motivation. See, I love exercising. I really do. I love doing it, and I love being done with it for the day. What I still can't manage to get into my head is to remember this. The getting up and going is the hardest part for me. It may be for you too, but it's still my daily struggle. 

But, I have noticed, that since these women are quickly becoming my friends, I don't want to let them down. They'll worry about me if I'm not there, and I love having adult time! I think this is going to help motivate me to get there and do it. I'm not afraid of being last, not using weights on some exercises, or having to scale so I don't hurt myself, but I am afraid of losing faith in myself.

Today is February 4. 

It's been about 2 weeks, and in that time, I've been out of commission with a tummy-bug that kept me tied to the potty for about a week, then with a flu-bug that has kept me wondering if my lungs would ever be the same again. I'm able to breathe again today, which is such a remarkable turn from this past week of misery. I've missed a lot of WOD's, and I'm afraid my body is going to feel,like I'm starting right back at zero when I'm back at it tomorrow. Today is a day of gradually getting my body moving again, putting the right foods back in my body, and getting the house kinda back into working order. I'm still coughing A LOT, and I'm dizzy, but my fever is gone and besides the pulled muscle in my side from all the coughing, I feel GOOD.

My "diet" over the past two weeks has consisted of comfort foods and things that are easily digested. A lot of rice, gluten free bread, and (gasp!) even some potatoes have been consumed over the past couple of weeks. I use the word "diet" not in the context of what Woman's Day Weekly has on the cover of it's magazine in the grocery isle, promising you'll lose 10 pounds by eating just grapefruit and cabbage, but meaning the entire content of foods I've eaten. I don't "diet". Diets suck. I've tried diets, and they make me sad and depressed. I like food too much. My typical food choices are meats and green veggies. 

But, because of the sick-girl comfort-food binge that has been my nourishment this past week, I'm scared to get on the scale. I'll get a reading tomorrow morning before heading out to the WOD. Or, if we have the predicted ice storm, I'll try to run a lap around the block then do hints here at the house to get the blood pumping briskly again.

Monday Feb 10.
Back with the girls today for another WOD. Warm-up was to run a 400, then do line drills of butt kicks, lunges, spider-man stretches, and high-knees. The WOD was running an 800, 50 lunges with weight over head, 50 crossover push-ups, then run another 800. Since it was my first week back after 2 weeks away, I scaled, and I'd half. I ran/walked 400, did 25 overhead weighted lunges, 25 crossover push-ups on my knees, then walked the last 400. GG came looking for me, so for about the last 1/4 of the last 400 I was carrying an extra 35 pounds. 

The coughing fit that ensued, however, was epic. My amazing friend Jen went around for another 400 because she didn't want to scale, but needed to because of her body getting use to Paleo. After she finished her scaled round, she did another set of 25 each lunges and push-ups, then ran another 400. I coughed the entire time she and the ladies were on the additional 400.

And now, I'm home, still coughing like crazy, but I feel so great! I love working out! I really do! It's HARD, and I almost barfed on my last 400 today, and then again when I was recovering collapsed and coughing while the team rallied around and Jen for her last 400, but it's all worth it, and I love it.

April 22. The CrossFit box opened about a month ago, but I haven't been able to join yet. I really miss it, but with one income and ensuring the kids get everything they need it's just not possible for me to have "extra's" right now. I miss my girls and I miss the workouts.

Last year I signed up to be a "Beach Body" coach so I could get Shakeology at a discount. So, why not use the resources that I have to get back on track with my fitness and health, AND earn a little extra income as well? DUH. Yeah. I'm a little slow at times. 

So my goal for the spring is to complete the "Slim in 6" series, follow the eating plans as much as possible, get some good before and after pics, and get the ball rolling with the Beach Body sales. Then, once I'm getting enough income to help out, I will hopefully have enough extra to join the box, plus my fitness level will be improved, so I can start at zero instead of negative 42.

Stay hungry, feed your body with what it needs, and move as much as possible.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Bacon Cups

Oh yes. You read that correctly.

I cut the bacon into 3 sections. 1 long section, and 2 small sections.

The small sections, I layer atop the muffin tin, criss-cross.

Then I wrapped the long piece around the muffin cup, overlapped the top, and patted down to seal.

I baked in a 400 degree oven for 25 minutes.

Half came out PERFECT!

The other half? Ummm... Not so much. (Think I'll use thick bacon next time. Stay tuned for an update.)

Then I poached some eggs. One of these I did the swirling water technique, the other I just put in. I don't see, feel, or taste a difference. I used the tiny splash of vinegar to help coagulate the whites too.

Oh, holy crap! Why am I still taking pictures and not eating?

Seriously, Carter Ann, put down the camera and eat this beauty.

Um hum. Um hum. Yes. This was a good and fun experiment. I love my job.

Stay hungry, and play with your food. Just look at what you can make when you do.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

NYE Surf & Turf Supper

I wanted to make something yummy and special for My Honey and I for New Years Eve supper.

Our favorite "glamour foods" are mussels, scallops, and filet mignon. But, one only one income, how can we have these things on a budget, still pack a ton of flavor, love, and indulgence into our "last meal" of 2013?

How about an appetizer of mussels steaming in shallots and white wine?

And a main course of scallops and filet tips on a bed of a pene pasta with a cream sauce?

Oh yeah... Awesome.

1 bag of mussels from the seafood counter (clean well to rid outsides of all sand/grit)
1 small shallot
1/4 stick of butter
1 bottle Chardonnay

10 or 12 large scallops from the seafood counter (bring them out of the fridge about 10 minutes before you're going to sear them)
1 filet mignon from the butcher (bring it out of the fridge about 15 minutes before you're going to cook it)
1/4 stick of butter
2 or 3 teaspoons olive oil
1 box of pene pasta
1 small jar cream sauce of choice (we used alfredo)
Fresh cilantro to taste
1/8 to 1/4 cup tequila
Juice of 1 medium lime

I started the sauce first. I was winging this. There was something I wanted to end up with, but didn't know exactly how to get there, so I wanted to start the sauce first so I could tweak it as needed.

1.) Pour the jarred cream sauce into a medium sauce pan.
2.) Pour 1/8 to 1/4 cup of tequila into the jar, not the pan.
3.) Squeeze your lime into the jar too.
4.) Place the lid back on, and shake to get the last of the cream sauce out of the jar, and to incorporate the tequila and lime juice.
5.) Pour this into your sauce pan, and add a little water if you'd like.
6.) Whisk together, and bring to a small simmer slowly over medium heat.
7.) Finely chop about 1/4 cup of cilantro and add to the sauce. Mix well, and allow to cook for a little before tasting. 
8.) Taste after about 5 minutes of simmering, and add any salt, pepper, cilantro, lime juice, or tequila you would like, depending on your preferences.

To make the appetizer of steamed mussels

1.) Place 1/4 stick of butter into a large sauce pan (big enough to hold all the mussels), and begin to melt over medium heat. 
2.) Chop the shallot into a very small dice, so that when the mussels open, and you're enjoying the mussel with the awesome broth, you are getting small pieces of the shallot too. 
3.) Add the diced shallot to the melted butter, and soften the shallots in the butter. Be careful not to burn the shallot, but bring the heat up and stir to deepen the color of the butter and shallots. 
4.) Add the mussels. 
5.) Add a cup of the Chardonnay. Cover the pan, and allow the mussels to steam in the butter, shallot, wine sauce. It will take about 5 minutes. They are done when all mussels are open. (Tiny note... Dead mussels will not open, no matter how long you cook them. So when I say cook until they are all open, if there are one or two that are not open after about 5-7 minutes, but all the others ARE open, you're done cooking them. The ones unopened are dead, and DO NOT EAT THEM. The rest are perfect, and you don't need to be worried about the open/cooked ones being contaminated by the ones not opened.)
6.) To serve, I pour the entire contents of the pot into a large serving bowl. You'll need a second bowl for the shells, and if you're a bread lover, grab some to dip in the broth.
7.) To eat, pull apart the opened shells, discard the one without the meat. Use a small fork to pull the mussel from the shell it's still attached to, and dip it into the broth and eat it. You can also use the shell to scoop up some broth, because it's crazy delicious.

After eating this all up, clean up your plates and start on the main course. 

1.) I put my pasta on to cook, using the same pot I had steamed the mussels in! After rinsing it out. We use the gluten free pasta, and I've found that by following the directions on the box (WHAT?!?! Is this the REAL Saucy Dish saying she FOLLOWS DIRECTIONS?) and cook it for 10 minutes, it's perfect. So yes... I set my timer after I add the pasta to the salted boiling water.

The scallops and filet tips will not take long to cook, so pay attention to your timing here. Also, cook your filet to the temp you enjoy, and remember you'll gave caryover cooking due to them staying hot when you take them out of the pan. They will continue to cook a little more because they're hot.

Here's what I did...

1.) Cut the filet into 1" pieces, add a little salt and pepper.
2.) Melt the remaining 1/4 stick of butter in a heavy skillet, and add the steak pieces to the pan, evenly spread out so they sear, and don't steam.
3.) I cooked ours to rare, so the carryover cooking, and the eventual heat of the pasta sauce would bring them to medium rare.
4.) I then put the cooked filet tips into a bowl, and I added the scallops to the same pan. Again, spreading them out evenly.
5.) Scallops take almost no time at all to cook, so don't walk away. I added a little olive oil to the pan, and flipped them when they were lightly browned on one side. (I planned on 2 minutes a side for my scallops, so when the timer on the noodles said 4 to go, I started my scallops, and they came out perfect.)
6.) Drain the pasta, and add it back into the pot used to boiled it.
7.) Pour your sauce into the noodles and stir to blend them.
8.) To serve, portion out pasta and sauce onto a plate with deep rims, or pasta bowls. Place the scallops and filet tips on top of pasta. 
9.) Garnish with a wedge of lime and fresh cilantro.
10.) Pour glasses of wine from the remaining bottle of Chardonnay, and dig in.

Don't be afraid of cooking mussels and/or scallops at home. Fresh seafood has no yucky smell, and won't make your home smell like a fisherman's work truck. And don't be intimidated by the fancy cooks on TV that say "There's nothing worse than over cooked scallops, mussels, and shrimp." Well, believe me, there are worse things, so please don't fret. Watch the prices at the seafood counter and grab some one day when they're in season, plentiful, and less expensive. Bring them home, and practice. Medium high heat, melted butter, and a few at a time to get the hang of it. I like to use tongs to turn them, rather than a spatula. Protiens will release from the pan when they're ready. If you give a little tug using the tongs, and it doesn't come right up, wait another few seconds and try again. Don't force it. Science has an amazing way of helping you cook. Let the pan, stove, and molecular structure do all the work. You're just there to eat, so don't over think it.

Cook what you want to eat.

Stay hungry and play with your food.