
Saturday, January 25, 2014

Baking and Prep

You read right, my friends. I baked. 

See, we had some bananas that had passed the point of being acceptable to the kids, so I broke out the gluten free flour, and whipped us up a batch of banana muffins. Haven't tried them yet, but they smell dreamy.

I also made a batch of meatballs to freeze. 
1 pound extra lean ground beef
1 pound ground turkey
2 tiny yellow onions (because that's all I had, but one normal sized would be fine) finely diced
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
1T dried Thyme
A lot of Worchestershire Sauce. I didn't measure, sorry. I just splashed in as much as I like, which for us, is a good bit.

Into a big bowl it all went, and I mixed it up, then used my hands to form golf-ball sized balls. Didn't use a scoop, or official measuring tool. (Shocking! I know.)

I put them on a foil lined baking sheet into a 350o oven for 35/40 minutes, or until an instant-read thermometer says 170, since there's turkey in it.

After fully cooling on a paper towel, they went into a gallon ziplock, and into the freezer.

Earlier this week I roasted 3 large spaghetti squash, then let them cool completely. Meaning, I completely forgot about them until this morning. I peeled the skins off, which came RIGHT OFF LIKE A DREAM once they were cooled, and portioned them into quart plastic zipper top baggies and put them in the freezer too.

It's like I'm organized, or something. What's come over me? AND... I keep cleaning the kitchen as I go. 

Oh, sidebar, I've become slightly obsessed with my kitchen as of late. See, I reorganized, thinned out stuff, and gave her a serious scrub-down. Now I kinda have a mini emotional fit when I see she's messy. I go into a whirlwind of a frenzy cleaning, wiping, scrubbing, and storing things in their new homes. And I also *might* get really pissed when someone puts trash on the counter next to the trash can. It's a foot-pedal trash can. Not like you have to put down something in order to open the lid to toss out said trash. 

I also want to redo my color scheme. I want yellow and blue now, and I want white and blue dishes. I want to replace the kitchen table with something smaller, and paint the cabinets some version of off white. And the cabinets and drawers need pulls.

More on these changes as I magically find money and time. But for now, stay hungry, and play with your food.

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