
Thursday, July 10, 2014

A Saucy week in review, early July 2014

Very interesting week here at The Saucy Dish homestead. My "Pump" challenge group is going very well! A friend has signed herself and me up for a 5K fun-run, and another friend is GIVING us for FREE a treadmill! Whoop Whoop! I lost 7 pounds during the prep for my colonoscopy, and I haven't gained it back! One day at a time. One second, one minute, one hour at a time is really all I can manage, but those minutes, hours, and days have been adding up, and I'm doing really well! I'm also really proud of myself for both my exercising and food choices. There have been moments of weakness, moments where I looked back and thought, "ugh, that was really dumb", but over all, this has been a stellar week.

Ok, I'll back up a little. 

Thursday of last week started with a beautiful surprise in the form of My Honey! He gave us the fabulous gift of his presence. His scheduled day off was Friday, but since that was a holiday, he needed to pick another day off as well and he chose Thursday, giving him a 5-day weekend home with US. It was great! I hadn't realized how much I'd been missing him. 

Friday (7/4) was our 7 year wedding anniversary. And, since it is also The Fourth Of July, we took the kids to see fireworks for the first time. Friends of ours invited us out to their house for supper and to go to a neighboring towns' fireworks display. It was a lot of fun. Easy to get into and out of. We put the girl child in her jammies and pull-up before heading home, and she was asleep before we hit the county line.  

However, we did receive the extremely sad news of the untimely passing of one of our other friends, and a coworker of Mr. Saucy. Understandably, the news put a quick and sad end to the evenings festivities. The news came in right as we were dropping off our friends back at their home.

Saturday was spent with Mr. Saucy spending the day with his friends, remembering the friend that passed. And to be honest, I really can't remember what the kids and I did on Saturday. I was worried about my Honey and his brothers and sisters who were mourning their loss.

Sunday was the prep-day for my colonoscopy on Monday. It involved a clear liquid diet for 2/3 of the day, then in the evening I started the flushing. Quite literally. It flushed me out, and I flushed the potty quite a bit. I spent the day upstairs in bed most of the day. Knowing I wouldn't get much sleep that night because there was another scheduled dose of flushing-meds at 1:30am, and a prescribed water-drinking regiment following that, I wanted to nap and rest as much as possible during the day on Sunday. I also wanted to stay away from the food in the house. Out of sight, out of mind, right? RIIIIIIGHT!

Monday was the scope, and all seems fairly clear. There was a 7mm polyp removed, and the results of the analysis of the tissue should be back within 2 weeks. Being a self proclaimed food addict, I had been thinking of what I wanted to eat as my first meal for about 32 hours, 47 minutes, and 19 seconds. Give or take. Totally thought I wanted a foot long sub from subway. Yes, I know, that's a whole lotta gluten on a fresh clean tummy. But, after the procedure, I decided I wanted a sit-down family lunch at a real restaurant that had menus. Menus brought to the table. And a person with a smiling face asking me what I want. Then a person bringing me said requested food. Then a person taking away the dirty dishes. My only action will be to decide what to eat. We chose a chain restaurant that has a fantastic children's menu and a salad bar. 

I still wasn't really sure what I wanted to eat. Am I going to take this opportunity to stay clean and fresh and healthy, or am I going to gunk up the innards back up with grease and crap? You know, the report COULD still come back in saying the dreaded "C" word on the tissue sample, which may result in a lot more tests, cleaning drugs, maybe even chemo, and I haven't eaten anything in a day and a half, so I can spare the calories to get junk. Right?!?

When the smiling face came to the table to say hi and introduce herself, she asked if we would like cheese fries as an appetizer. Without even a FLINCH, I yelled, "YES! Yes we would!" I then ordered a cheese burger with BBQ sauce and onion rings ON the burger. And the salad bar. Gotta admit, I was irritated when I got to the end of the salad bar and discovered they did not have honey mustard dressing. Grrrr. So, I chose blue cheese. The cheese fries came, and they were OK, but not great. Very greasy tasting to me. After my salad, I went back for a big plate of orange wedges and grapes for the kids. When lunch came, I cut my burger in half and started to eat. It, too, tasted like pure grease and salt! Not sure if the kitchen just really really needed to change out their fry-oil, or if my freshly disinfected body was uber sensitive to it, but everything just tasted like old fry grease. I didn't finish my burger.

By the time the check came, I WANTED TO GO HOME! When we got home, the greasy lunch came right back out. And I went back to bed to go to sleep. I didn't eat anything else for the rest of the night.

Tuesday, I woke up feeling pretty good! Mr. Saucy went to work and the kids and I had a fairly typical summer day. A little cartoons, some games, and some time at the pool. I registered both kids for the fall season of T-Ball. Mr. Saucy had a charity soccer game planned for that night, so the girl child and I took the boy to Whardo. We then went across the street to get a fancy iced coffee for me and a juice for her. I grabbed a free bag of used coffee grounds for my garden on the way out the door too.

We returned to the parking lot to wait for practice to be over. While we waited, we enjoyed our beverages, listened to the Frozen soundtrack, and I watched as a MASSIVE thunder-boomer came rolling in. When the top half of a tree in the parking lot snapped off, I called my Honey to see if he was REALLY going to play the game. I also told him I was fully expecting to see a witch on a bicycle fly past the window at any moment. We made it through the storm, came home, and within about 20 minutes, Mr. Saucy came through the door as well. The game was called off on account of the storm. 

I signed Mr. Saucy up to be a BeachBody coach under me, making me an Emerald level coach, giving him the discounts, and giving me the ability to receive free leads. I also made a decision... I had eaten only plants all day. I. Felt. Great. I felt light, energetic, bouncy, happy, and clean.

Wednesday morning I had to confess to my challenge group that I hadn't worked out since Saturday. I then had to get in 2 workouts to try to catch up. But would I have the energy to do a weightlifting workout routine after eating only grease on Monday, then only plants on Tuesday? 

YES. Not only did I have the energy, I felt great! Oh, don't get me wrong, the routines are still HARD, I still despise lunges and "hover's", but while I was sweating, I didn't feel like I was oozing. Everything just felt better, cleaner, and fresher. It's hard to describe, I just felt really GOOD.

Dinner last night was cod, sautéed in a garlic infused olive and coconut oil, then placed on a bed of yellow cherry tomatoes from the back yard, green peas, and a sauce of white wine, lime juice, and the garlic infused oil. It was FANTASTIC!

So... Wait... That's 2 days eating a diet of fish and plants only. Interesting. This feels "right" to me. This feels good. This makes since and makes me happy.

One second, then one minute, then one hour, building up to one day at a time. That's all I can muster. And that's all I can claim. How many times have I proclaimed something on this blog, or on Facebook, to only defy my own words mere moments later?

Today is Thursday, and it's beautiful outside. Nice breeze, the kids are playing nicely, and the boy child is even depooping the yard. A chore that HE chose to be his this week. My lunch today came mostly from the backyard garden. Canned tuna fish mixed with peeled, seeded, and diced cucumbers, a little vidalia onion, a little mayo, salt and pepper stuffed into big beautiful yellow tomatoes that I scooped out the seeds and guts to make little bowls. They were good!

I now have 3 packs of on-sale pork pieces in the slow cooker for Mr. Saucy and the kids. They all love shredded BBQ pork, so I'm making a big batch of just that so I can have it on hand to whip up family dinners and lunches quickly.  I'll sub out a fish on the days I feel the need for meat when I'm cooking something land-animal based for the crew, and we'll ALL eat more fish more often. 

In fact, I saw a recipe the other day for fish tostadas, and since Aunt Gumbdrop sent us a tortilla press as a gift, I can make fresh gluten free corn tortillas here at home. With the tomatoes, peppers, and herbs growing out back, I'll just need to add some store bought pineapple to the mix for a dreamy fresh summer salsa, and 3/4 of the Saucy family already loves beans, so a seafood tostada night sounds like it's definently in the works.

Well, that 'bout wraps up the goings on here. Dogs are still happy and healthy, which reminds me, we started giving Homer St. John's Wart, and it has done an amazing transformation on his anxiety. He use to howl and cry and leap into my lap when the fire trucks went by, but now he just lifts his head, looks at me, waits for them to pass, and puts his head back down. Unless he's outside. He still howls at them when he's outside. Kevin is still the neighborhood pigmy puma. He roams freely, visiting his other families for belly rubs and head scratches. But he always comes home to his Mommy and Daddy at night. Sleeping on one of us, purring loudly. And, I feel obligated to mention that the fish and snails are all doing well, as well. Well, mostly. I think Ceasar, our beta fish, has an aquatic ailment of sorts, but we'll let nature run it's course.

Until next time, stay hungry, play with your food, and get dirty!

-Carter Ann

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