
Monday, September 8, 2014

Another Week

Here I find myself sitting at the computer able to write whatever I want, and I'm (almost) totally alone. Meaning, the humans in my life are all off doing their very important things, and the dogs, cat, fish, and I are here at home also doing very important things.

These very important things have been put on hold, however, because I am able to write. Write, Write, Write, Write, Write. All the beautiful words hiding in my fingers just waiting to come out. And no one is climbing on me, or needing a nose wiped, or another glass of water, or their brother/sister moved from "their spot" on the sofa. Just me and the computer, and it's blissful. The possibilities are endless, and yet I find myself looking at the clock and counting down the minutes I "really" have before I have to get back in the car and go get GG from preschool.

The idea that I'll be able to write on Wednesday is a fun fantasy, and I look forward to making it a reality. Along with all the other things that I have/had planned for my 3-hours, 3-times a week time-to-myself. 

I'm going to work out more.

I'm going to train for a 5-K.

I'm going to make the head-board out of pallet wood.

I'm going to prep all the meals for the week.

I'm going to prep breakfasts!

I'm going to get the kids rooms picked up and organized with pictures on their toy bins of what goes where.

I'm going to tend to the garden.

I'm going to design, build, and plant the raised bed in the front yard what will hold all the bulbs for next spring's flower garden.

I'm going to get dirt and fall plants for the flower pots out front and out back.

I'm going to get the suitcases back down to the basement.

And this is just the beginning of the lists and ideas that I have for these sacred 3-hour time-slots that I have each week. 

When in reality, on week 1, I came home and sat on the sofa and I think I watched TV, but I don't remember, because I was so kurfluxed as to what to do with myself. I think I bought a coffee at Starbucks too, but really, that was all I did.

On day 2, I shopped and got a pedicure. Which was also glorious, I'm not going to lie!

Today, however, today I went to Target to grab a few things I needed for packing Conner's lunches, I found some glorious "Dress Your Truth" jewelry on sale, and came home without spending a fortune. I then did laundry, which I had started last night, so by folding a dried load, and putting freshly washed load into dryer, and adding new load to washer made me feel like I had done 3 loads today. Then I hung up the kids closet organizers and put their clothes for each day of the week into the correct shelves. I wrote all of Genna's class activities on the family calendar, and I printed off Conner's school calendar so we know which days he needs to wear which color for spirit week next week.

I might get the hang of this Mom stuff here by the end of the school year.

Or like most other things, I'll jump in with 2 feet and then fizzle out. God, I hope not. One of the main reason's I'm home full time with them is so I can focus on them and their schooling. I do NOT want them to suffer the way I did with my ADHD, and as the Mom, I need to be on top of things, aware of what's going on, and not be caught off guard. 

Even though it was my kids first week of school, it was definitely me who felt the BACK to school jitters, excitement, and anxiety of a new year. A whole new generation of forgetting to do or return homework, forgetting it is picture day, forgetting to wear blue for peace day, forgetting lunch money or the lunch box. 

This Mom is trying desperatly to get her act together, get ahead of the train, and be on top of all these special and important parts of the kids lives.

Time to go get the girl ... 

wait ....

where is she again?

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