
Tuesday, October 14, 2014

21-Day Fix, Day 1

Pretty typical for me. I start all "diets" the same way. I am TERRIFIED that I'm going to over eat. And why shouldn't I be?!? This is what got me here to begin with, right?

I look at the daily allotment, be it "calories", "points", "servings", "meals", "snacks", etc. it's all a collection of rules that I need to follow in order to be thin again. And this daily allotment turns into what I can't eat instead of what I can eat.

I hoard my points or calories so I can save them for later. I'm so afraid I'll use up everything before lunch, then I'm stuck either over eating at night because I need to soothe, or I'm stuck staring at my family eating pizza while I enjoy a "free food" of a refreshing glass of ice water with lemon.

This sucks.

Plain and simple.

So today is exactly like every other day 1 I've ever experienced. I have had 2 hard boiled eggs, 2 clementines, and 2 mugs of coffee with sugar free pumpkin spice non-dairy creamer. I am a white woman in my 40's after all, and yes, I was wearing my yoga pants while drinking it.

Now I'm on glass #2 of my favorite boxed Chardonnay and I'm planning on pork chops and veggies for supper. Because I'm allowed to exchange a glass of wine for a yellow container in my 21-Day Fix plan, I'm going to trade them all for my wine, so dinner will be meat (red container) and veggies (green containers). I won't have any yellows left over for a glass of almond milk later, so I'll have to decide what's more important in my yellow rationing.

All in all today has been a good day though! Conner got caught up on his homework, Genna and I both got haircuts, and there are several loads of laundry in staggered stages of doneness. I have a lot of "containers" left in my daily allotment, so it's almost lik a puzzle to see what I can and want to eat for the rest of the evening.

I haven't had any exercise today yet. Yet! HA! I'm SO NOT going to exercise this late. Let's be real. If I'm going to move my body for the sake of exercise, it's going to happen first thing in the morning before I know what else I could be doing. All day I wanted to bring my exercise bike downstairs to the living room, but I didn't do it myself. This will be a discussion I'll have with my Honey tonight, as I really want it down here. Instead of camping out on the sofa, I can sit on the bike while writing, blogging, reading, facebooking, and tweeting.

The buzz of the dryer has just summoned me. I must go rescue the wearables from the threat of wrinkles!

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