
Thursday, October 16, 2014

21-Day Fix, Day 3

Potty blogging day 2.

Last nights supper was leftover quinoa and black beans. It was taco night here, but I didn't want them because in order to make a delicious taco to my taste buds I need to like it high with sour cream, cheese, fresh shredded lettuce and diced cold tomatoes. We had only one of the afore mentioned ingredients, so just taco meat, cheese, and sauce wasn't a calorie laden dish I wanted.

At dinner time I had used up my blue and orange allotment anyway, so no room for added fats or dairy.

Today I've had a red which is my shake. I added the peanut powder to it and I'm not sure which container that is. Probably the orange, but I'll have to research it. I'm out of lettuce so no salad for lunch today. It's kinda gloomy and cool and cloudy today so I'm debating a pot of chili. Mr. Saucy is working late tonight so it's just the kids and I for supper. I might just do a leftovers night and let them eat whenever they want to instead of having the standard family supper at the table. We'll still eat at the table, but without My Honey home for supper, it's easier to nuke leftovers for the kids instead of making a whole meal.

GAWHHH... Speaking of which, we cleaned out the fridge the other day and threw away a TON of food. We had leftovers hidden in the back that may have been there since the Clinton administration and it was out of control. I hate throwing away food.

Speaking of throwing things away, I'm doing a good bit of decluttering around the house. I came across a large collection of kids shoes WAY too small for my children. This was followed by a collection of maternity clothes and other things that had been put aside to be donated and then forgotten. So, I'm pulling things out and getting things put in order.

I need order. I need organization, pattern, routine, and cleanliness. When my house, office, desk, kitchen is a cluttered mess, so is my brain. When my brain is a mess, everything is a wreck. It's all connected. 

I'm genetically programmed to save everything. I might need it. I store things, keep things, have 9 versions of the same thing with slight variations because I might need them. I hold on to way too much garbage. I love going through it and clearing it out. It's so cathartic to lighten the fog that surrounds my world. And with my ADD, I become overwhelmed very quickly. A single shirt on the cedar chest will quickly turn into an entire load of laundry, then it all just gets piled up, lost, confused, forgotten, and adds to more and more chaos.

My closet is one of the spots that needs to be wiped clean of 90% of it's contents! but I can't bring myself to ditch it all yet. I'm sure I'm going to be able to fit into everything again. Of course, since my oldest child just turned 6, this means I haven't worn 90% of the contents of my closet in over 6 years. The joy of losing weight would also include the joy of buying new clothes, so I SHOULD go ahead and donate everything I can't wear, but since we're cash-poor, I want to hang on to what's in there so I don't have to buy all new clothes.

None of this is an issue at the moment, so no need to bother right now.

Well, there are many more rooms to declutter and sections of my brain to defog.

But first, I hear a Diet Coke calling my name from the kitchen.

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