
Thursday, October 23, 2014

A Shake For Breakfast...

Remember the old add for that diet shake? A shake for breakfast, a shake for lunch, a shake for a snack, and a sensible dinner? I did that yesterday with my Shakeology and I really did feel great all day.

I had another shake this morning too, but I just made my daughter mac-n-cheese for her lunch, and I saw the sour cream in the fridge, and I know we still have chips in the pantry, and I SOOOOO BADLY WANT CHIPS AND SOUR CREAM RIGHT NOW!


I have my sugar free pumpkin spice coffee here with me at my desk as I'm typing, but it's not chips and sour cream. It's not crunchy, salty, and creamy like chips and sour cream, that's for damn sure.

I could portion out a small amount, but I'd just go back for more.

And my desk is in the kitchen. Right next to the girl who's blowing on her hot mac-n-cheese and happily munching away. Yes, my back is to her, but I can hear every delightfully delicious mouthful. I can hear the squish of the pasta and the cheese sauce as she chews. I can smell the butter and cheese. 

I'm in agony.


Ummmmmm... luke-warm coffee. You're so satisfying and such a fair and equal replacement for the fat-filled, salt-filled lunch I really want. I hate you coffee!

No I don't. I'm sorry. I take it back. Please don't believe anything I say when I'm in the throws of a food-craving depravity-stricken state. I'm not myself.

Coffee ... I love you almost as much as wine and vodka.

I thought I was going to be able to do a little organizing today, so I brought down the file cabinet drawers from the master bedroom to the basement only to discover that the "new" file cabinet is a legal sized drawer and our old file cabinet is a letter size. So, I'll need to get legal sized file folders from BJ's the next time I'm there. (Someone remind me please. I'll forget.)

The kids bring home at least one piece of paper a day, and yes, I'm sorry, but I'm that mom that is keeping them all. I am for now. I don't know if I'll continue to do this through middle and high school, but for now, I'm excited about my babies being in school and having a good time and being proud of their drawings and writings. 

I bought 3-ring binders for their work, but they were jammed pack full within the first month of school, so they are now going to get their own drawer in the new family file cabinet. I'm sure the papers will pile up on the kitchen island until I freak out about it being too crowded, then I'll just go jam them all into a folder without sorting. 

OR, I can be a little proactive about it and buy an set of uber cute hanging folders from my girl at Moore Magnets and then wait until they are jammed pack and take them downstairs. Yeah ... that sounds like a good plan. I like that. I get to buy something new and pretty and functional. All of those things make my soul happy.

Speaking of a happy soul, I think I've made it through my clawing screaming chip craving. I'm going to have another Shakeology creation for my lunch, and either find a book to read, or do research on adhesives that will stick the pennies to the back-splash of my kitchen counter and to the floor where I removed the half wall. 

I don't sit still, who are we kidding. I'll research adhesives. And go hunt for pennies.

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