
Friday, November 14, 2014

Ok Friday... You win.


Today has just plain ole sucked. And it's not even 1:00pm yet! There are times when I try to find more eloquent words to use in describing things, but for today, November 14, 2014 ... this word just fits the best.

It started out fairly fine. Woke up at my new usual early time. My Honey made my coffee, I watched the news, played my games, and even got an early morning snuggle from the boy-child when he came down early. 

Then there were minimal fights with clothing choices for both kids before school, and things seemed to be going fairly well.

I even had GREAT hair. I even went so far as to smear on a swipe of eyeshadow on each lid/crease before going downstairs. I do my eyeliner and mascara standing in the hall while the kids are putting on shoes and coats and backpacks, so I'll smooth out my shadow and blend it in evenly while I'm standing at the hall mirror.

So, we head to the bus stop. Conner almost forgot his book bag because he was so excited about his new gigantic arctic coat, but we got it in time, and headed to the bus stop.

And we waited.

And waited.

And waited.

In the cold.

I called the school to see why the bus was now 10 minutes late. She puts me on hold to check with the transportation department and comes back on the line to tell me that the bus is late, but is in route. 


Now... The delima of "how long do I keep waiting" kicks in. As soon as we head home, the bus will come. I need to get the girl to preschool, and don't want the boy to be late either. GG, bless her heart, had given up trying to run around and play. She was over it and just sat down trying to get warm inside her gigantic arctic coat.

Screw it, we're going. Come on kids, we're going home so I can drive you to school.

Half way home, I hear the bus. 

Keep walking, we're driving. At this point, I'm set on driving, so we hustle home to get to school.

We get in the car, I crank up Amelia, and she tells me that one of her tires is low on air.

CRAP! Really?!?

I get out and look at the suspect tire, and it just looks a little low, so we head on out.

I don't really fully breath the whole trip. Should I stop at 7-11 to put air in the tire, making us even LATER, or just go on, figuring it's just low because of the cold.

I go on to school. 

On the way to K, I call Preschool to be sure it's ok if I drop of GG late. I had the feeling there was a strict no-late policy, so I wanted to double check. I was wrong, it was/is fine to be a little late, so we're all set.

Drop off the boy, and tell him a few times to remember to take the bus home. We do car pool on Tuesdays and Thursdays and he takes the bus every other day. He's very routine based, and no one likes it when his routine is messed with. No. One. 

So, he's in school, he's not late, and we head off to Genna's school.  She's 16 minutes late. We take off her coat, I get my kisses and say bye. Then I see a mom with her tuition check. Oh yeah! It's due, let me go grab my checkbook. Head back up to the school with my check, and I pass another mom with her sons homework bag. Bugger! Genna's homework is still in my purse. Back to the car for her homework. Ok. Whew. All children are where they should be, with what they should have, and everything is paid for. Double whew!

Let's get some air in this tire now, because the light keeps coming on and going off telling me she's not happy.

I pull into the gas station, go to the air machine, insert my $.75 in quarters ... and silence. Noing. Well, maybe it's one that is already "charged" and will whir and come to life when I push the button. Nothing. Ok then... Maybe it's super smart and will only pouf it's super air when it's on a tire spout. Ppppffffsssstttt. Silence. Damnit! That's $.75 that I want back. So I walk into the gas station to ask what the trick is for getting air to come out of the air machine. The token male on staff got himself 3 quarters from the register and came with me to help. Because I'm a girl. You know. I can't, like, put, like, air or whatever in like my own car, or wheel, or tire, or whatever. As we walked, he asked me again if I put in 3 quarters. I guess and truely believe this is a valid question, as there are several ways to get to $.75, but yes, I assured him I did put in 3 quarters. 

He inspects the machine. He then hits the machine. He looks closely at the "In Service" light. He then shakes the machine. He then proclaims "It's too full". Um... What? Yes, he agrees with himself. It's too full of coins. He'll have to dump it. He then apologizes, hands me the 3 quarters he took from the register, and we say goodbye.

I drove to the BJ's gas station, and there's an air pump there.

And not just any air pump, but the MackDaddy of ALL air pumps. The only thing that would have made this air pump any better would have been if it came with free liposuction and Jason Statham as a helper. First of all, it's free. Second, you tell it your desired PSI, and then you put air in your tire. It then beeps to tell you you've reached your desired PSI. 


I'm so happy, after I put the tire spout cap back on, and put the exceptionally clean air hose back into it's fantastic holder, I pat the sweet machine on it's head and thank it out loud.

I then look up and see a couple in a car behind me. Laughing. Because I just thanked and patted the air machine.

I just smiled and got back in the car. 

The low air indicator light didn't go off. But I was too embarrassed to get back out and try again, so I figured I go on to the next gas station and try again. But low and behold the light goes off after a few rotations, so it's all good under the hood.

I contemplate my late breakfast choices on the way home. Due to my horribly unlucky day, I'm slightly and understandably worried about cooking anything at this point. There's no telling what could go wrong. So I have leftover cold pork tenderloin dipped in a cold sauce. 

I sit down on the sofa to have my lunch, watch a little junk daytime TV, and check in on Facebook and twitter. As I'm starting to breath and realize nothing else bad is happening, I realize I never finished my makeup.

So all day, in addition to the crap listed above, I have been walking around, interacting with, and talking to people ALL MORNING with 2 very random brown smears on my eyelids that look like my dog did my makeup.

And now, if you'll excuse me, I am due to volunteer at our son's Kindergarten "50 Day" sock hop, in honor of the 50th day of school, and I need to even out my makeup before I go. 

Cheers, y'all.

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